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Our Farm

Our 3.5 acre culinary garden grows unique, seasonally appropriate crops using organic, sustainable techniques. Emphasis is placed on experimentation with new crops and varieties, growing and cultivation methods, and the utilization of all edible portions of the plant through its life-cycle. This production aims to cultivate a broader mission – serving as a direct relationship between the natural landscape, the food system, and the community. This relationship represents not only a respect for the garden as a part of the ecosystem but also the garden as an opportunity for inspiration, health, and education.

August "From the Farm"

The steady hot days of mid-summer are upon us and all of our summer crops are thriving. We are harvesting tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, beans, eggplants and squash two or even three times per week. The heat accumulation helps the plants to grow quickly, produce plentiful blossoms and ripen the fruits quickly. Even traditionally cool-weather crops such as turnips and radishes grow exceptionally quickly in the summer heat. Our red round radishes that can take 5-6 weeks  to mature in the short days of winter can believe it or not go from seed to crudité plate in as little as 20 days in the summer.  

-Zac Yoder, Farm Director